The fudge-like scent from the donut stalls was the first to waft over her, followed by the oh-so-familiar saltiness of the ocean. It was as if this city had coated itself in its finest perfume enticing her to the promenade on this late summer evening. The aroma led her like a curious yet cautious bloodhound …
Read more “Chapter one – A fresh start”
All the moon, the stars, the sky So crisp, so cool, so beautiful A deep and as dark as my thoughts when I’m alone Feel the rushing of the waves deep out in space The sparkling diamonds that belong to us, Never rich enough to own jewels, but rich enough …
Read more “romance in a haze”
You told yourself you weren’t pretty is that when you decided not to eat? The black mold of insecurity makes the mind so very weak. How sorry I am that the joy you find today Is a number on a scale, that’s smaller than yesterday How cruel you are when you see your reflection …
Read more “worthy of weight”
This was one of the projects I have been working on at university. My task was to produce a 3-minute digital story with a spoken monologue and accompanying images and videos.
Chapter one The fudge-like scent from the donut stalls was the first to waft over her, followed by the oh-so-familiar saltiness of the ocean. It was as if this city had coated itself in its finest perfume enticing her to the promenade on this late summer evening. The aroma led her like a curious yet …
Read more “A new arrival”
This is a poem I wrote in response to “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid. Oh my darling mother please do not worry, for you have taught me so much about what it means to be a woman. But the world is changing and out of the black and white rises a kaleidoscope of colour. And as …
Read more “Girl”
“Mornin’ love,” sang Mrs. Babb as she tottered into the butcher’s shop. Her little red kitten heels clicked across the brick floor. A smile crept across Harold’s otherwise solemn face as his eyes drifted towards her veiny feet. He liked it when she wore these shoes. Red was his favourite colour. “The usual again for …
Read more “Harold”
I lost part of me when I said goodbye to you. Yet I did not realize until it was too late. That is the impossible price you pay for wanders blood. Home is not here, yet home can not be there. I love you yet I can not stay. loneliness slowly, decomposing my fragile identity …
Read more “Les Voyageurs”