I lost part of me when I said goodbye to you.
Yet I did not realize until it was too late.
That is the impossible price you pay for wanders blood.
Home is not here, yet home can not be there.
I love you yet I can not stay.
loneliness slowly,
decomposing my fragile identity
Haunting my step with its dark shadow
I hoped to find out more of who I am, yet all I did was untangle the thread,
Now those broken fragments lay rotting in the bottom of my worn out suitcase
A gaping hole
where my guts once lay, the clouds drift slowly through
If you could see me now, I wonder what you would say.
Consumed by sinister self pity
I am not even sure if I am here at all
I want to see you one last time.
my well worn boots had suddenly grown too small
rooted to that spot on the pavement.
You will always be my last thought as the final flames engulf me.
Then there is nothing.
No joy.
No Desolation.
I am finally home.