worthy of weight

You told yourself you weren’t pretty

is that when you decided not to eat?

The black mold of insecurity

makes the mind so very weak.

How sorry I am

that the joy you find today

Is a number on a scale,

that’s smaller

than yesterday  

How cruel you are

when you see your reflection alone,

The silver scars you despise

a trophy of every time that you have grown

How sorry I am that you would ever assume

That a number on the scale could be more important

than all the wonderful things

that make you


If only you knew how your smile

resonates to everyone who’s ever seen 

Your eyes caught in their memories

a colour


painted in a dream.  

There are people that still remember

who still think about the time

your kindness overflowed to them

your laughter

etched on their mind

The weight you worry so much about

is a memory of every step you’ve ever taken

every adventure ever lived,

every passion, reawakened.

Everybody you’ve ever embraced,

wrapped tightly in your arms,

every person you have ever made feel safe  

and seen

and heard

and understood

with your open mind and curious soul

your love is your livelihood

You embrace the world with your heart,

for you do so much more than just care.  

How radiant you are,

with all this love you willingly share.

You are so much more,

than this false idea you created in your in your head,  

my darling you are a living thing

you deserve to be fed.

A soft belly, full of flavour,

every meal you’ve ever ate,  

What a privilege it is to worry

about having too much on your plate.


There are so many things that are wrong

in this world full of hate

but I beg you my darling  

Don’t you ever think

that one of those things could be you  

or your body

or your weight.